How Far Can a Person Walk in a Day? A Simple Guide

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Walking is an often under-appreciated activity. While people often pay more attention to more strenuous forms of exercise, walking has tons of benefits for the mind and body, and it’s affordable, accessible, and enjoyable. Whether you are planning your next hike or thinking of taking up walking as an exercise routine, you may be wondering how far … Read more

Rucking VS Running: Which Is Better for You?

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If walking isn’t challenging enough, there are two activities you might consider: rucking and running. Since one focuses more on strength training and the other on burning calories, they produce very different results. Fortunately, we’re here to help you make a decision in the rucking vs. running debate. To better understand the two sports, we’ll … Read more

9 Virtual & Online Running Clubs You Can Join Today

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Running clubs are an awesome and fun way to stay motivated. Meeting people and friends in person to participate in runs, competitions, and races can be both rewarding and challenging. But have you considered joining a virtual running club? You might have heard of running clubs, but may be asking yourself “What is a virtual or … Read more