Can You Run without a Big Toe? Our Answer…

can you run without a big toe | can you balance without your big toe | can u walk without a big toe

A friend of mine recently had to have their big toe amputated because of an injury. As an avid runner, they were very concerned about how this big change would affect their lifestyle – running wise, that is.  The big toe, called a hallux, isn’t necessarily something we need for walking or running… is it? … Read more

Is Rucking Bad for Your Back? Our Answer…

is rucking bad for your back | is rucking bad for your knees | rucking before and after

Whether you’ve just started rucking, or been rucking for a while, chances are you’ve experienced some back pain. And if you haven’t yet fallen in love with this cardio-muscle building exercise, it may be because you are cautious… asking yourself the question, “is rucking bad for your back?”  This is a valid concern to have, … Read more