Is Walking Good for Neuropathy?

is walking good for neuropathy | neuropathy and walking best treatment for neuropathy

Neuropathy is one of the most common chronic medical conditions in society. This is a serious medical condition that impacts countless people across the country, making it hard for them to go about their daily routines. If you suffer from neuropathy, one of your most common questions is probably is whether or not walking can … Read more

Is Walking Good or Bad for Plantar Fasciitis?

is walking good for plantar fasciitis | how to cure plantar fasciitis in one week | what not to do with plantar fasciitis

It is essential to get at least a moderate amount of exercise each day. Walking is often considered to be a great, low-impact activity for keeping your weight in check and your hearth healthy. However, if your feet are in poor health, walking can be the beginning of a vicious cycle that can cause foot pain … Read more

Hiking Boots VS Combat Boots: Pros & Cons

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A hiker’s feet are probably one of their most important body parts. Trust me, I know. Try hiking 5 miles or more over rough terrain with blisters and ill-fitting or incorrect boots.  It’s essential to really consider what’s the best kind of boots for hiking, backpacking, or trekking. It requires more than just a glance … Read more

9 Exercises to Increase Your Lung Capacity

how to increase lung capacity | lung capacity exercises | breathing exercises

Do you ever feel like you get short of breath in situations when other people may not? If so, there are several factors that could contribute to this, including the negative effects of smoking, asthma, and COPD. Or maybe you are a runner, swimmer, yoga enthusiast or singer, and have what would be considered “normal” … Read more