Hi, my name is Scott!
I’m the owner of the Endurancely.com website.
This website was founded by a love of running, hiking and all things endurance fitness by myself and my dedicated team.
I am an avid runner, starting over 25 years ago, as a freshman in high school.
I am also an avid hiker, trail runner and as I get older, I have been adding long walks to my weekly exercise routines.
In creating Endurancely, I wanted to start a website that discusses all of these passions. Endurancely will do that. It will talk about all forms of “endurance fitness”.
Any workouts that take time and effort to complete. Walking, running, trail running, hiking, and eventually even biking, ultra-marathoning, and other forms of distance exercise.
This website is meant to guide beginner and intermediate level to improve their ability in endurance fitness.
Who will benefit?
I’ve designed Endurancely to help readers in a variety of ways. Here you’ll learn:
- Tips for getting started running, walking and hiking
- Motivation to continue running, walking and hiking
- How to create habits for running, walking and hiking
- Ideas for making small incremental improvement in race times
- Understand the science and psychological principles behind all forms of endurance fitness
- How to find the right gear for your running, walking, and hiking needs
There’s a lot to learn at Endurancely.com. If you are new to endurance fitness and looking for a place to start I urge you to binge with a few of the “beginner” posts for endurance fitness.
Thanks for your interest.
Have a wonderful day.