31 Funny or Creative Hiking Group Names for Your Organization

If you’d like to have a hiking group name that’s extremely funny or creative, you have several options. In fact, having an imaginative or humorous hiking group name can help people know how special you are. And the next time they see you, there will be no mistaking your group or organization based on your clever moniker. 

Besides this, a unique and clever name can motivate you to be more efficient and happier hikers. After all, you probably feel as though you need a title that inspires you to keep going or just makes you laugh whenever you’re bored. In this post, I’ll give you my ideas for 31 different hiking group names for your organization. 

Funny Hiking Group Names

Just when you think you can’t carry on, your hiking group name saves the day! Whether your energy bar is stale, or the sun is beating down upon your face, these funny hiking group names can make you more optimistic and energetic… maybe even chuckle.

  1. Blastoff to the Mountaintop
  2. We’re the Happy Hikers
  3. Three Hikers in a Coat
  4. Ladders are Better Than Sweaters
  5. Yuk, I Ate Another Bug
  6. Falling and Calling for Help
  7. My Foot’s Stuck in a Cottontail Hole…Again
  8. Pine Trees Make Me Sneeze
  9. I’m Not Crazy, I’m a Hiker
  10. I Slipped but I’m Rich
  11. Way Up and Stuck
  12. Macho Mountaineers for Hire
  13. The Sloping Copers
  14. The Peak Freaks
  15. Geology is Overrated
  16. The Mountain Range Gang

Creative Hiking Group Names

Despite the fact these hiking group names are supposed to be creative, I might have accidentally (on purpose) thrown in a few more funny ones. Of course, if you know anything about me, you know I love to be expressive and make people laugh. Anyway, here are the creative names I promised you. 

  1. Prisoners of the Peak
  2. The Hikers Go Marching
  3. Hiking on Sunshine
  4. Hike on the Wild Side
  5. Aces of the Woods
  6. Hiking in Harmony
  7. The Funky Clunkers
  8. The Hiking Hotties
  9. Hunks Not Skunks
  10. Talking and Tripping
  11. Swanky Stumblers
  12. Handsome Hillwalkers
  13. Hot Himalayan Hunks 
  14. Wretched Wanderers of Washington
  15. Seedy Stalkers Slip

Final Thoughts on Hiking Group Names

Choosing one of these awesome hiking group names can boost your entire team’s positivity and motivate you to move mountains… figuratively speaking. This can be especially true when you lack energy or feel like you simply can’t climb anymore.

It’s also completely acceptable to crack a joke or two about your hiking group name, to lift spirits even higher. Your name should serve the purpose of both inspiration and elation.

If by some off chance, you don’t like any of the names I chose, you can get together with your group and come up with a distinctive name. There is no such thing as a “bad” name, as long as you all agree it does the job and gets people talking!

We are wishing you the best time on your next hike… and if you thought this article was entertaining, we encourage you to read another one about walking challenge team names. 

hiking group names | funny hiking club names | hiking team name generator