Exercising can sometimes be a real drag, and you may be one of those people that have looked for some form of activity that’s more interesting than running. Or you may love running, but yearn to mix it up and give you knees a bit of rest.
I certainly never liked pounding the pavement, but there is no denying that running is great for burning calories and losing weight. Now, rollerblading is much more my style, and cruising along the boardwalk doesn’t feel like hard work at all.
Still, does my affinity for rollerblading make my bias to the undeniable health benefits of running? Conversely, am I underestimating how effective a workout rollerblading can be?
And that is when I began to wonder which is better: rollerblading vs running to improve my health and add a little pep to my exercise routine?
A Definition of Rollerblading and Running
Rollerblading is an activity that involves attaching in-line skates to your feet. Unlike regular roller skates, where you are balanced on two sets of two wheels (one pair toward the front of your foot and one toward your heel) each for a total of four wheels per foot, rollerblades use three wheels that are placed in single file to create a wheeled version of ice skates.
Simulating the movement of ice skating, you also move your legs in a curving arch when rollerblading. When rollerblading, you rock your weight from one leg to the other, letting the skates slide forward until they reach the edge of each arch, then you hop over to the other skate.
Running is something we can all do, and it’s one of the first types of movement we learned as a baby when we progress from crawling to standing, then walking and running.
When we run, we step our feet forward in quick succession, with a skipped movement in between where the runner has both legs off the ground. Running as an exercise can take many forms: road running, cross-country running, racing or sprinting, and also stationary running on a treadmill.
Rollerblading Pros and Cons
There are several pros to rollerblading that make it a great form of exercise, but it also comes with risks.
Pros of Rollerblading
Cons of Rollerblading
Running Pros and Cons
Running has many positives that make it great exercise to engage in. However, as with all good things, there are a few downers too. Beginners should take care to start their running practice correctly.
Pros of Running
Cons of Running
To Sum Up the Pros and Cons…
Summing up the pros and cons of rollerblading vs running can provide a well-informed way to make your decision regarding which form of exercise is better for you, as shown in this infographic below.
How to Decide Between Rollerblading and Running
Deciding between rollerblading and running can be a challenge, but these are my suggestions:
Choose Rollerblading if:
Choose Running if:
Final Thoughts on Rollerblading VS Running
I have personally chosen to incorporate both rollerblading and running into my fitness routine, though I do way more rollerblading than running. The weight loss benefits of rollerblading, my concerns over joint health and the pure exhilaration of skating down the local boardwalk are what have gotten me hooked on this “exercise on the roll.”
When I’m away from home, however, I leave my skates and protective gear behind and go with some comfortable and compact running shoes instead. Either way, whether I am running or skating, I know my health is taken care of and I can enjoy an active lifestyle… no matter where I am.
And since running and rollerblading burns pretty much the same amount of calories (depending on effort), the choice between rollerblading vs running truly is a personal one. At the end of the day, it boils down to your overall fitness level and whichever activity you will enjoy most… so that you’ll keep at it!
Whichever you choose, don’t forget to breath properly to increase stamina and endurance. Check out our article on 11 great strategies to breathe better while running.