Which is Better for Your Knees: Running on a Treadmill or Outside?

Perhaps you are an experienced runner who’s become worried about your knees. They ache more than they used to after a run.  Or, you’re a new runner and are trying to decide what might be healthier for your body, specifically, your knees. It’s a valid concern, as running is known to put quite a bit of strain on those joints.

Typically, there are two main types of running: indoor on a treadmill, or outdoor on various types of terrain.  But which is easier on the knees?  Running can be tough on one’s body beyond the knees, so it’s important to know your physical limitations and weigh all of your options.

Which is Better for Your Knees: Running on a Treadmill or Outside?

The answer to the question can certainly be debated. With personal experience doing both, I feel that running outside is better for your knees. I’ve had longer stretches of joint health doing so, versus similar periods of time running on treadmills.

Back in the day, I ran on treadmills almost daily at my local gym and seemed to have knee soreness far more often than when I ran outdoors.  I believe a lot of it concerned the surface I was running on.

I was doing most of my runs on an outdoor track, which was even and somewhat softer material. I wasn’t running on the concrete or asphalt roads or trails with unpredictable objects to trip over. 

Also, you can take a far more natural stride when running outdoors, as opposed to the confines of the belt on a treadmill… which can lead to abrupt, shortened steps that result in muscle or joint issues.

However, there are a multitude of variables to consider. These variables could lead you to a different opinion and results on knee health than mine. When running outdoors, there are potential risks and concerns one should want to factor in.

1. What type of surface are you running on?

Running greatly affects your overall knee health because it lets you know what type of surface you’re dealing with.  Are you running on concrete or asphalt, which tends to be harder and more impactful on your knees?

Or perhaps you’re zipping around a softer composite track as you strike it? Some people run in sand or grass, which can have the softest impact on your knees.

2. Will there be elevation changes?

If you are running on a relatively neutral course, this is easier on your knees. If you are running uphill, downhill, or both during the same run… that can be harder on your knees.

3. Does the surface you run on have uneven spots, irregularities, or damage?

If you’re running on a trail and stepping on a rock, stick, or something else in your path… you can easily roll and twist your ankle or knee, causing a minor – or even serious-  injury.  If running on grass, a soft spot or divot in the grass can cause the same type of injury.

If you are running outdoors, it’s highly advisable to be aware of the path and course to avoid knee injury. If you’re unfamiliar with it, don’t make your first night at Twilight.

Running on a stable, smooth surface with minimal elevation is generally the safest outdoor method. Something flat, obstruction-free, and firm (but not too hard) would provide a more joyful and less stressful run for someone concerned about knee health and safety.

When Might Running On A Treadmill Be Better For Your Knees?

There are certain circumstances in which it can be better for your knee health to run on a treadmill versus running outside. It is certainly a debatable topic, generally speaking.

Here are some instances when running on a treadmill may be safer for your knees than running outdoors.

1. If your treadmill is padded very well.

Not all treadmills are created equally. Some lower-end models are cheaply made and do not have the same shock absorbency as many of the more expensive, higher-end models.

If your knee safety is a concern, one of these better-padded, high-end treadmills could be the answer.

2. If you live in an area with predominately inclement weather.

If you live in an area where weather conditions are not conducive to running comfortably outdoors, having a nice treadmill at home could be a safer option for your knees.

Areas in the country that get a lot of rain, snow, and ice can cause slippery conditions in which you may not want to risk your knee health. One bad slip and fall may ruin your running hobby for a long time.

3. If your treadmill has a longer, wider running surface

Again, this tends to be related to the first point on this list. A more expensive, higher-end treadmill will generally have more surface area to run on, besides being more padded and cushioned for better knee health.

It will provide a smoother, more predictable path to run on than outside on a trail or even paved trails, so knee injuries from slipping and falling could be less likely.  

Final Thoughts on Running on a Treadmill Versus Outside

When it comes to the safety and health of your knees, you cannot be too careful. While I believe running outside is better for your knees overall, this depends on several factors.

The terrain you’re running on outside, the size and softness of the treadmill you might be using, and the weather in your area all play a part in deciding what will work best for you.

I encourage anyone worried about their knee safety and health to do some research. Check online about the pros and cons of running outdoors and on a treadmill. Speak to other runners who have similar concerns.

Test both methods out if possible, and see how you feel after doing both. Keeping your knees safe and healthy will ensure you’ll be safely running for a long time.

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Treadmill Vs. Outdoor Running: Which Is Better for Your Knees? Curious about whether running on a treadmill or outdoors is gentler on your knees? Discover the key differences and learn how to choose the best option for your joint health and fitness routine!Treadmill Running Tips | Outdoor Running Benefits | Knee Health and Running | Best Running Surface | Treadmill Vs. Outdoor Running | Running Injury Prevention | Joint-Friendly Workouts | Running for Beginners | Fitness and Knee Care